General details
Technical data
* In the event that the neighbor of the lot offers a notarized receipt regarding the location at a distance of less than 3m from the red lines of the land, then the values of the minimum dimensions of the land can be restricted
Proiect Casa cu etaj 245,6m2 – 101133
Date Tehnice
Suprafata neta a casei fara logii, terase si pivnita |
145,8м² |
Suprafata garaj | 18,5м² |
Suprafata cerdac | 60м² |
Suprafata Cazangerie |
6,5m2 |
Amprenta constructiei |
122,8m2 |
Unghiul de inclinare a acoperisului | 42° |
Suprafata Totala Construita | 188,7 m2 |
Suprafata Totala | 245,6m2 |
Volumul | 821,5m3 |
Inaltimea Casei | 8,7m |
Suprafata acoperis |
215,7m2 |
Amplasament urbanistic
Dimensiuni minime teren |
21,9 x 17,37 m |
Dimensiuni minime teren dupa adaptare | 21,9 x 16,8m |
* In situatia in care vecinul de lot ofera o recipisa intarita notarial privind amplasamentul la distanta mai mica 3m de liniile rosii a terenului, atunci valorile dimensiunilor minime a terenului pot fi restrinse
Indicatori cheltuieli sinecost:
Casa construita la rosu |
49,200euro |
Casa construita la gri(alb) |
61,400euro |
Casa construita la cheie |
73,700euro |
- 2 sanitary groups
- 5 bedrooms
- Anteroom with Cupboard
- Autonomous heating
- Cabinet
- Dining room
- Double baths
- Emergency exit
- Garage for one car
- Garage Storage
- Laundry
- Lawn
- Living room with dining room
- Outdoor Parking
- Storage Room
- Summer Dining Room
- Swimming Pool
- Wooden Ladder